
Pinnacle of Strength

Jungle Dragoon - Deaf Lancer - Immovable Wall - Hare of Sacrifice - Vieran Berserker - Freakishly Tall - Wandering Merc - Sicko Mode 24/7

She/Her - All RP Welcome - 21+ Only

Carrd WIP


Name: Freyja (no surname)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 125 (roughly 27-28ish human equivalent)
Orientation: Demipansexual
Relationship Status: Single

Nationality: Yangxian
Hometown: ??? (somewhere in the Yangxian Jungle)
Residence: Wherever she camps
Occupation: Mercenary, Venue Owner, Hard Labor if it pays the bills
Affiliation(s): The Scrapyard, Strays Fount Free Company
Traits: Temperamental, Impatient, Protective, Easy to Amuse, Self-Assured

Freyja is a deaf Rava Viera who is only now spending her eighth summer away from the forest she called home for tens of years. Coddled for most of her life due to her disability, she strove to one day leave the forest on her own terms, becoming the warrior that her sisters were, the lancer that she knew she had the strength and mind to become.A foolish man from Hingashi trespassed into her tribe's woodlands with the esteemed goal to make a profit by collecting relics and ruins of the nearby ruins of ancient Yangxian architecture. In Freyja's retreat from the woods she once lived in, the fleeing viera ran into the man, who-- in his graces-- invited her instead to travel with his caravan to the inner parts of Eorzea on her first real adventure. Leaving the world she knew behind, Freyja quickly realized that she knew very little of how to thrive in the world outside the trees, and even worse, she knew not how to communicate to others.A sign of good faith from the wandering merchant, he had paid for a man to instruct her in sign language, though as she would soon find out through her attempts at using it to meet new people; not only were many of the citizens in Eorzea not proficient in sign language, she had also been instructed in the vocabulary of Hingan sign language, of which conflicted with the signage of those who DID know how to sign in Eorzean. As such, she progressed her education in nonverbal speaking by learning the grammatical structure of Eorzean Common. As a caveat, however, this has created an odd mix of the two languages, wherein she will use Hingan gestures with the structure of Eorzean signage.The young woman strives to be a fully fledged adventurer, but through unfortunate circumstances, she had found herself low on the funds necessary to begin any sort of journey, so she had taken up residence in the local inn of Ul'dah's Quicksand, paying petty change for drinks as she practices her Eorzean through the reading of lips and writing on a small note pad she uses to communicate with those around her.Despite the tough circumstances she has found herself in, it is difficult to dissuade her from the path of the adventurer, and in turn she still goes out of her way to train every day to hone her body and mind in the ways of the lance. She found herself quite proud of her skills, but long before her arrival in the nations of Eorzea, she became enamored with the art of the dragoon used by those in Ishgard, and sought to find an instructor to teach her.Successful in doing so, she spent a good two years under his instruction before Freyja's mentor was so cruelly torn away from her by a twist of fate. Supposedly, his duty and motherland called and he had never returned. Knowing full-well the true demise of her beloved teacher, she has since set off on her own to carve her own domain into the world around her, be it by force or circumstance.These days it's hard to say what Freyja is doing at any given moment. She has taken to a life of relative solitude while managing her current business (The Scrapyard) from a distance. Amicable to a degree, Freyja loves to test her mettle in all manner of circumstances, and passes from whim to whimsy in search of a new source of excitement.


- Past Exploits -

Jungle Lancer

Hailing from the Yangxian Jungle in a remote and tiny tribe bordering Golmore, she had lived there for 115 years, coddled and sheltered for her disability. While not secretive about her home, she does not share memories without prompting. Many characters may find an interest in her unorthodox method of polearm fighting woven with dragoonisms!

Unusual Communication

Freyja has been entirely deaf since birth, and while her proficiency in her native tongue is spledid, she struggles reading and writing in Eorzean Common. An instructor a long time ago taught her some Hingan Sign Language gestures and gave her a book on vocabulary for the subject, but without thorough proficiency in the language itself, this has created a bizarre form of communication. She uses Hingan gestures while adhering the the Eorzean Common structure of grammar.

Dragoon by Force

Freyja herself has a distinct inability to manipulate aether to a great degree, rudimentary practices alone being highly difficult for her to grasp. As such, one with a trained eye may realize that she jumps without the aid of it. This may raise many questions for a trained warrior in the art, such as the nature of her leg strength, or perhaps the limitations of her practice.
Another question that may arise, who taught her to do so?

All in Good Company

Freyja does not keep company around her often. The friends she does have, however, are an excitable and rowdy lot, whom of which she has many stories to tell. She is hardly the reasonable one of the group, herself, but amidst many of the characters and personalities she has met over her time in the West, no person has ever been considered uninteresting to her. Would you like to be the next story she tells? Looking for a tough nut to crack? Freyja takes a bit of getting along with but is ride-or-die for those she holds dear.

- Present Hooks -

Yangxian Berserker

Those more interested in combat rp may find Freyja interesting for sparring sessions or combat storytelling. Freyja carries a trait wherein her strength amplifies by how mad she is, or the amount of pain she withstands without debilitating injury. Want someone to test your mettle? Want someone to soak up some nasty hits for your character's improvement? Freyja is available!

A Whole New World

Freyja has only spent about six years outside of her home in the jungle, only three of which within the boundaries of cities and places of higher population. Her experience outdoors far exceeds that of life within company. As such, she is always learning social skills, manners, etiquette, and is prone to fits of being crude, rude, or impolite. Many times this is unintentional, but sometimes she will use this as an excuse to mess with people.

Loaded Gun

Freyja is stoic for the most part, not conveying great deals of emotion, but she famously has a short fuse. She has gotten better at it over the years, but it will always be a part of her. Are you looking to really cause some trouble? Want a bit of chaos and carnage? You just want to poke fun at the big mean lady? Feel free to ask in tells! I will be open to causing all sorts of situations with you using Freyja's temper as an excuse!


Thank you very much for taking an interest in my girl! I am just getting back into the rp scene and I apologize for any inaccuracies in my writing for it. I am welcome to constructive criticism! Freyja is my main rp character and main gameplay character; and, after a sizeable break, and I am glad to meet new people! For OOC information read below:

  • I am a nonbinary (they/them) roleplayer who is over 21

  • I do not to roleplay with minors, and prefer not to roleplay with anyone under 21, thank you

  • I do not tolerate bigotry, racism, or usage of derogatory/fetishising slurs or terms for LGBT people

  • I am fine with tapping into Freyja's temper if people want to mess with her, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to her. If I become uncomfortable OOC I will let you know, and I ask that you respect that and stop what you are doing, and I will do the same for you

  • I don't mind most themes for rp, even if they are 18+, but I prefer prior warning or consent for heavier topics!

  • IC decisions are not indicative of my OOC thoughts and emotions, please do not take anything Freyja does personally

  • I am mostly hoping for friendly relationships for Freyja, sparring partners, Mercenary pals, chill rp, character-development, combat rp, and plot-centric groups

  • I don't mind romance and sexual developments for my characters, but I would prefer for them to have a good reason IC and for these things to build up over time with a genuine connection. I am not interested in pick-up ERP.